Who am I? Am I a mere speck, a passing thought in your evading recollection or am I the progeny of coincidence clumsily playing tricks on us? Am I a disciple of enlightened eccentricity or the unbending conclusion of fate and destiny?
Who are you? Who are you that keep on haunting me even in my sleep? You who take away the comfort of my drowsiness? You who ruminates my mind of dreams untold, thoughts discovered and lines unexpressed? Are you lucid profundity expressed in beautiful simplicity or the depths of my raging seas unfathomable in serenity?
Almost all the answers escape me leaving me shackled in this mysterious chain of events relieved by your presence, touch, smile and laughter. You move me in ways even miracles will envy. You shine on me like a thousand sunsets infinitely fixed in the horizon. You caught me defenseless, unaware, and yielding to your ceaseless radiance.
You said you wanted to know me more. I can offer nothing except the earnestness of my feelings for you; the collective aspirations of our people reflected in my imaginings and yes, my shriveled self against the backdrop of your beauty and lyrical grace.
I do not desire to make promises and make you wait in alacrity. People are remembered in words but are immortalized in dauntless actions of sincerity. I need you beyond words, deeds and time combined. I want you. Without you is worse than deprivation. Without you, life is completely incomplete.
March 18, 2005
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